
Making the PMO the beating heart of the NHS Change Agenda; an NHS PMO

Matt 10-03-2021

PM3, the preferred NHS PMO tool used by numerous NHS PMOs across the UK, has again been featured in the leading Project and Programme Management magazine Project Manager Today in a detailed article describing three individual NHS PMO case studies.

Image of magazine

Titled ‘Making the PMO the beating heart of the NHS Change Agenda: A Special Case Study Feature’ they write:

We all know that information is the life blood of all organisations. Good quality, accurate, up-to-date, easily available information ensures that we can always make informed decisions.

This has never been truer in the NHS, where there is a constant, relentless pressure to improve patient care, reduce operating costs and be open and transparent at all times. Recent years have seen a growth in Programme and Project Management Offices (PMO) as well as a strong uptake in professional qualifications like P3O®. Organisations in the public and the private sectors are recognising the value that high-performing PMOs provide, and the word “governance” is now high on the agenda of most executives. In this article we look at three NHS organisations that have recently established PMOs to underpin their change programmes, and review the lessons that they have learned and the benefits they have realised so far. We also look ahead towards new and improved services the

PMOs will be offering to their stakeholders.

To read the full article in PDF just click here: Making the PMO the beating heart of the NHS Change Agenda

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